4月28日晚20:00,密尔克卫罐箱服务团队为大家带来了一场精彩的直播,围绕ISO TANK运输,简明扼要地讲解了不同罐箱类型、液体物流方案比较、罐箱装货卸货与日常维护等方面的重要知识,让大家能够进一步了解罐箱这种高效、安全、环保的运输模式。

On April 28th at 20:00pm, the Milkyway Tank Container Service Team presented a fascinating live broadcast, focusing on ISO TANK transportation, providing a concise overview of different tank container types, liquid logistics solutions comparison, tank container loading and unloading, and daily maintenance, enabling participants to gain a deeper understanding of the efficient, safe, and environmental-friendly transportation mode of tank containers.


The introduction of Milkyway's global tank service capabilities is also a highlight of this live broadcast. Milkyway has four tank storage yards in Yantai, Zhangjiagang, Shanghai and Singapore, which can provide a full range of tank services, including cleaning - fully enclosed environmental protection facilities, mechanized automatic cleaning; repairing - professional equipment and site, special cargo container refurbishment capabilities; repacking - dangerous goods filling qualifications, heating and nitrogen charging equipment.


There is also a special surprise in this live broadcast. The Milkyway Singapore team connected with the Shanghai headquarters live broadcast room, bringing videos and real photos of the Milkyway Singapore tank station, allowing the audience to experience the environment and services of the Singapore yard.


Q1:罐箱为什么要从顶部而不是底部装货呢? IOSTANK和槽车的底阀结构不同,槽车大多采用球阀而ISOTANK基本为弹簧结构的提升式阀门,所以我们不建议客户通过底阀向罐箱装货。从底部装货过程中,足阀阀板在弹簧张力和货物压力间很难达到稳定平衡,容易频繁颤动,阀板撞击阀体密封面造成损伤,甚至使阀板整体脱离不能复位;此外如果货物中含有杂质或货物本身结晶凝固,在关闭底阀时,杂质或结晶及凝固的货物可能残留在密封件和阀体密封面间造成泄漏。正确的方法是通过罐体顶部进行装货。

Q1: Why is it necessary to load the tank container from the top instead of the bottom?

The bottom valve structures of IOSTANK and tank cars are different. Most tank cars use ball valves, while ISOTANK basically uses a spring-loaded lifting valve. Therefore, we do not recommend customers loading tank containers through the bottom valve.

During the bottom loading process, it is difficult for the foot valve plate to achieve a stable balance between spring tension and cargo pressure, which can easily lead to frequent vibrations, damage to the valve plate by hitting the sealing surface of the valve body, and even causing the entire valve plate to detach and not be able to be reset. In addition, if the cargo contains impurities or the cargo itself crystallizes and solidifies, when closing the bottom valve, impurities or crystallized and solidified cargo may remain between the seal and the sealing surface of the valve body, causing leakage. The correct method is to load the cargo through the top of the tank.


Q2: In addition to the annual inspection report, cleaning certificate, and airtight test of the tank container, are there any other certificates such as dew point certificate and rental report?

Annual inspection reports, cleaning reports, and airtightness reports are necessary certificates for loading tank containers. There are also rental reports for long-term rental of tank containers, and some reports for pressure relief valves to meet the loading requirements for Class 8 dangerous goods. Depending on the requirements for moisture and oxygen levels in certain products, dew point reports or oxygen content reports will be issued. After regular cleaning, special cleaning is performed, such as water sample reports after silicone-free cleaning or deionized water cleaning. Therefore, there are many certificates, and we can arrange for them according to the customer's requirements. We will also provide suggestions to customers based on the characteristics of the product.

Q3:为什么每次询价都要提供MSDS?从报价的角度来讲,MSDS的UN 闪点、沸点等数据决定了船公司的接运要求,MSDS的密度、粘度、气味、颜色及水溶性和溶剂等数据,决定了目的地的清洗报价,箱管的罐型选择及针对产品的改造建议,也影响报价的精确性,所以为了更精准的提供报价,MSDS是必不可少的。

Q3: Why is it necessary to provide MSDS for every inquiry?

From the perspective of quotation, the UN flash point, boiling point, and other data in MSDS determine the shipping requirements of the shipping company. The density, viscosity, odor, color, water solubility, and solvent of MSDS determine the cleaning quotation for the destination. The selection of tank types and suggestions for product modifications also affect the accuracy of the quotation. Therefore, MSDS is essential for providing more accurate quotations.


In addition to practical information, the benefits of the Milkyway live broadcast also came as promised. The list of lucky winners on that day is as follows.



Jeremy Gu


Three eyelids





Cathy 张





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More questions and answers can be added to the official Milkyway customer service Xiaomishu to obtain detailed information. We look forward to helping you answer your questions.

